Information about
Emdad is considered one of the leading labor supply companies in Egypt, aiming to provide businesses with skilled and trained workers who meet market demands and contribute to enhancing operational efficiency across various sectors. The company operates from its main headquarters and offers its services extensively, covering various cities and industrial areas throughout Egypt.
Emdad is committed to quality and efficiency standards and has several strategically located branches to ensure better service and effective communication with its clients across the country.
- Quality
- Accuracy
- Safety
- Reliability

Labor supply
Our company provides all your comprehensive needs as follows:
- The number and type of workers, as we have all types of workers (production - warehouses). A summary list of the key areas on-site that require skilled and trained labor.
- A summary list of the key areas on-site that require skilled and trained labor.
Specifications of the labor we supply:
- They are university graduates, those with intermediate qualifications, and unqualified individuals, whether male or female.
- They have an appropriate appearance in terms of height, shape, and health condition.
- Provision of the official uniform of our company or as per the agreement.
- The workers are in accordance with the specifications of proper health standards (H.I.G).
- The age range is from 18 to 40 years.
- They are appointed by our company with official documents and a criminal record certificate.
Our Achievements
In Numbers
Our Achievements in Numbers
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Our Mission
Our Vision
At Emdad, we believe in the importance of professional values and commitment to providing exceptional and reliable service that meets our clients' needs. We always strive to maintain our clients' trust and achieve mutual benefits for all parties involved.

Does your company need skilled labor? Contact us now. To meet your needs!
Don't hesitate to contact us.